[P2P][Misc] えすかるご国にて…

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France about to get worst copyright law in Europe? (英語)

Droit d'auteur : EUCD.INFO dévoile le plan d'attaque des majors pour Noël (えすかるご語)

なんでも、えすかるご国にて、年内までに以下のような copylight law が成立する可能性があるとのこと。

  • A prohibition on all software that permits transmission [disposition is unclear without greater context] of copyrighted material that does not integrate both a watermark and DRM
  • A prohibition on marketing or advertising such software
  • These prohibitions include legal sanctions
  • DRM mandates for digital radio transmission
  • A universal wiretapping system for private communication [This is defined elsewhere as a system to check for, say, music files attached to email messages, and not one that would violate the "secret of private correspondence".]
  • Creation of a universal filering system for all ISPs

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